
To Seem the Stranger is available now from Bottlecap Press! Order HERE

A Boy in the City is now out from Deep Vellum! Order HERE.  

Upcoming Readings

September 15th @ 7:30pm 
Toby Altman & S. Yarberry
in celebration of Discipline Park 
Prairie Lights Books & Cafe 
15 South Dubuque St. Iowa City, IA  

November 10th @ 7:00pm
KB Brookins & S. Yarberry 
in celebration of Freedom House
Women & Children’s First
5233 N Clark St, Chicago, IL 


S. Yarberry is a trans poet and writer. Their poetry has appeared, or is forthcoming, in AGNI, Guernica, Tin House, Indiana Review, jubilat, The Boiler, miscellaneous zines, among others. They currently run the little magazine Tyger Quarterly. S. has their MFA in Poetry from Washington University in St. Louis and is now a PhD candidate in literature at Northwestern University where they study William Blake. They have a chapbook called To Seem the Stranger published by Bottlecap Press and their first full-length book of poems, A Boy in the City, is out now from Deep Vellum. 

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ssyarberry at gmail dot com
extended bio

Extended Bio 

for questions & queries
email Smith at ssyarberry at gmail dot com

S. Yarberry is a trans poet and writer.

Their poems have appeared in, or are forthcoming in:

Guernica, The Robert Poems (excerpt), 2023  (online)

Dialogist, “Robert Blake’s Dream,” 2023  (online)

Gulf Coast, “Meeting in Space (Robert’s Wet Dream)” & “Notes from Robert’s Journal,” 2023, print

Sequestrum, "My Own Heart," "An Apocalyptic Wanting, Wanting," and "Listen:,” 2023 (online)

Another Chicago Magazine, “No Worst (Robert’s Wet Dream),” 2023 (online)

The Brooklyn Rail, “Desire, Joy, and Sadness in Spinoza’s P18,” 2023 (online)

Poetry Society, “Stage Directions,” 2022 (online

Spectrum, “Tradition” & “Keyhole. Double. Batwing. Donut.” 2022, print 

Hot Pink Mag, “A Romantic Sonnet,” “New York,” & Television Pilot,” 2022 (online

Annulet: A Journal of Poetics, “Some Thoughts on the Monostich,” 2022 (essay, online) 

AGNI, “Down Below,” 2021, print 

Michigan Quarterly Review, The Robert Poems (excerpt), 2021 (online)

Ruminate, “A Kind of Lightning,” 2021 (online, best of the net nomination)

Pinwheel, “CHAPTER,” 2021 (online

Redivider, “Island of Calypso” (previously, “Enter the Ghost”), 2020 (best of the net nomination)

The Afternoon Visitor, “Icarus” & “Terminal Theatre,” 2020, (online

pulpmouth, “The History,” 2020, (online

Sip Cup, “Self-Portrait” (previously, “Self-Portrait in Orthopedic Black Tie”), 2020, (online)

The Boiler, “Imagine,” “Requiem Circuit,” & “Boyhood,” 2020, (online, best of the net nomination)

echoverse, “The Sea      Night          Lilacs,” 2020, (online

Tin House, “This place is called Beulah,” 2019, (online

The Washington Post: The Lily Magazine, “Stepping Out,” 2019

jubilat (V. 34), “A cloak you cannot take off.,” 2019, print

Berkeley Poetry Review (V. 49), “Graphic,” “Anteroom,” & “Letter,” 2019, print

Best Buds! Collective, “The Cave,” 2019 (online)

Indiana Review (V. 41.1), “Sphinx,” 2019, print 

Nat Brut, “You Having Been,” 2019, (online

Sixth Finch, “Trans is Latin for across.,” 2019, (online

DREGINALD, “I despair! I disengage.,” “Emanation Song,” & “Gesture Towards Immortality,” 2019, (online)

Burnside Review, “Automania,”  2019, print

Cape Cod Poetry Review, “Spiral House,” 2019, print

Notre Dame Review, Manifesto / Prologue & “In the Night Harbor,” 2019, print

The Offing, “Intimacy Abstract” & “I kiss the fire in your hands, or City-Builders,” 2018, (online)

FIVE:2:ONE’s #thesideshow, “McDonalds 3 Times” & “Angels in Conversation, 2017

Touchstone Magazine, “She started out as a flame-painting,” 2017, print  

Their articles and interviews have appeared in the following: 

Bent into Myth A Conversation with jayy dodd-The Adroit Journal

Guest Post/Poet: S. Yarberry Interviews Kiki Petrosino-Hell’s Printing Press (The Blog of the Blake Archive and Blake Quarterly)

Guest Post/Poet: S. Yarberry Interviews S. Brook Corfman-Hell’s Printing Press (The Blog of the Blake Archive and Blake Quarterly)

Guest post/poet: S. Yarberry Interviews Aditi Machado- Hell’s Printing Press (The Blog of the Blake Archive and Blake Quarterly)

Standardizing the Vernacular: Jos Charles Interviewed by S. Yarberry- BOMB Magazine

Smith’s fiction, an excerpt from their novella in-progress The Balloon Factory, can be read at 17th Street Review

Smith’s first book of poems, A Boy in the City, is forthcoming from Deep Vellum. Details to come! 

Their work is also anthologized in Queer Voices: Prose, Poetry, and Pride, from Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2019.

They graduated from Lewis & Clark College in 2016 and recently received their MFA in Poetry at Washington University in St. Louis, where they held the Junior Teaching Fellowship in Poetry (2019-2020). They are now a PhD candidate at Northwestern University, where they are a Mellon Cluster Fellow in Poetry & Poetics, studying twenty and twenty-first century receptions of William Blake. Their research specifically focuses on Blake’s revival in avant-garde circles that mobilize his poetry and legacy for  political agendas in often conflicting nationalist contexts.

They have presented their research at the following conferences: 

    “Marginal Transmissions” with Analeah Rosen, &Now: New Writing Conference, 2018

    “Marginal Transmissions” with Analeah Rosen, Crossing the Borders of Creation and Critique             
Washington University in St. Louis, 2019

    “I don’t know what are a body and hands a mouth a sex: Trans Poetry as a Basis for Trans
            Poetics,” Berkeley Graduate Conference (Virtual), 2022 

    “Enough! Or Too Much: The Political Sermons of Ottobah Cugoano & William Blake,” International             
            Conference of Romanticism, 2022

    “Transness, Transmutability, and Creation in William Blake’s The Book of Urizen,” Modern Language            
             Association in San Francisco, 2023
    “Transness, Transmutability, and Creation in William Blake’s The Book of Urizen,” American Society for     
            Eighteenth-Century Studies in St. Louis, 2023 

S. is currently the Poetry Editor of The Spectacle and the Poetry Coordinator at the MFA App Review. For questions regarding the MFA App Review, or to get involved, please email them at mfaappreview at gmail dot com. 

They have taught undergrad at Washington University in St. Louis and Northwestern University. Additionally they’ve taught at The Fir Acres Creative Writing Workshop at Lewis & Clark College and The Loft Literary Center.  

You can order A Boy in the City (Deep Vellum, 2022) online HERE.

Reviews & Mentions: 
Poetry Foundation (online)

ANMLY (online)

Kenyon Review (online

Third Coast Review (online

Columbia Journal of Literary Criticism (online)

Commonplace Pod (online)

Pleiades (online)

Past Readings

AWP in Kansas City (MO), Redux Society “Solidarity Forever” with Seamus Fey, Brooklyn Baggett, & Andie Woodward, Kansas City, 2024 

Chicago Poetry Center, The Blue Hour Reading Series, Chicago, 2024 

The PO Box Collective with Julian Talamantez-Brolaski, Chicago, 2023

Women & Children’s First with KB Brookins, I.S. Jones, and Arianne Elena Payne, Chicago, 2023

Tri-Triangle with Matthew Klane, Ananda Lima, & Warren V. Longmire, Chicago, 2023

The Bell Tower with Matthew Klane + more, Milwaukee, 2023

Prairie Lights Books & Cafe with Toby Altman, Iowa City, 2023

Pilsen Community Books with Jessica Laser, Chicago, 2023 

Riffraff Books with Emily Pittinos, Providence, 2023 

Beloit College introduced by Toby Altman, 2023

Poetry & Biscuits with Johannes Göransson & Keith Jones, Chicago, 2023 

Northwestern University with Noa Fields, Stefania Gomez, and Allie Gibeily, 2022

Deep Vellum Books with Rebecca Wolff and Dara Barrois/Dixon, Virtual, 2022

The Changeling Queer Reading Series, St. Louis, 2022

Santa Barbara Public Library, Santa Barbara, 2022

City Lit Books with Caylin Capra-Thomas, Chicago, 2022

Deep Vellum Books with Caylin Capra-Thomas, Virtual, 2022

Skylight Books with Rosie Stockton & Ivana Baranova, Los Angeles, 2022

Next Chapter with Sun Yung Shin & Moheb Soliman, St. Paul, 2022

Trident Booksellers & Cafe with Miranda Popkey, Boston, 2022

Unameable Books with Alicia Mountain, Brooklyn, 2022

Pilsen Community Books with Toby Altman, Chicago, 2022

Skylark Bookshop with Caylin Capra-Thomas, Columbia (MO), 2022

Subterranean Books with Caylin Capra-Thomas, St. Louis, 2022

Exhibit B #12 (link), The Chicago Mosaic School, 2022

Open Door Reading Series: Xandria Phillips, S. Yarberry & kiki nicole- The Poetry Foundation (zoom), 2021

Boneshaker Books: Queer Voices Author Event, Minneapolis, 2019

Milkweed Books: S. Yarberry & S. Brook Corfman, Minneapolis, 2019

FOAM: S. Yarberry, Red Samaniego, & Matthew Klane, St. Louis, 2019

Berkeley Poetry Review Launch at Moe’s Books:

Sophia Dahlin, Angel Dominguez & S. Yarberry, 2019

Invited Reader, Juicy Fruit Queer Gallery Show & Reading, St. Louis, MO, 2018

Invited Reader & Speaker, “The Body” Reading & Panel Discussion, Washington University School of Medicine, 2018

Invited Reader, Washington University in St. Louis LGBTQ+ Reading Series, 2017 & 2018

Invited Reader, The Loop Arts Festival, St. Louis, 2018

Invited Reader, Intermedia Arts Queer Reading Series, 2017

Invited Reader, 555 Reading, Minneapolis, 2017

Invited Reader, Twin Cities Poetry Festival, 2017